Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Squash from Straw Bale Garden 2011

(Abundant Life Seeds)

So this year I was fairly sure that I would be going with Abundant Life Seeds again after the great performance of their product last year. That is, of course, after I decided to go the seed route again at all. I had initially made up my mind – or so I thought – to go strictly with seedlings bought from local nurseries, both to make life easier and to ensure a healthy start to Straw Bale Garden 2012. Then the seed catalogs arrived en masse in my mailbox in early January and such thoughts were quickly put aside. Such vibrant bounty of vegetable loveliness jumping off the pages… I was hooked again!

I was slightly taken aback by the arrival of two new catalogs that I have no recollection of contacting or soliciting before. It is scary how personal information makes its way around to people you don’t even know exist, you know? If I had dealt with any of the seed companies electronically last year it would be one thing, but all dealings were done via snail-mail and yet, here were two new additions begging for my business unsolicited. Needless to say, these companies will not be getting any publicity in this space.

The other two catalogs were again Abundant Life Seeds and Burpee. I put Burpee aside and immediately began planning what I would order from Abundant Life… but it was boring. While last year everything was new to me, this year’s catalog didn’t have much different to excite my senses. I didn’t want to redo what had already been done, I knew that much. I can vouch for Abundant Life Seeds: their seeds are fantastic. Their variety is lacking though, as can only be expected from the “little guys” of the seed world.

So I found myself being more and more drawn into the bright, flashy catalog from Burpee, and what I found was that there was a lot more there then I remembered seeing available on the Burpee display at Home Depot. The variety was almost endless. Oh, and they offered perks like free organic fertilizer for orders over $30 and FREE SHIPPING! (Yay!) for orders over $50. I knew from last year that my order would easily exceed these marks, so… Burpee won me over. Is this the dark side? I guess we’ll find out.

Can't be pure evil, can they?

Leaving the details of each variety for a future post, here is the basic plan for growing from seeds this year:

· Lots of Arugula – Fell in love with this stuff from last year’s Mesclun Blend

· Salad Mix – Not the same Mesclun Blend, but something similar

· Mustard Tendergreens – Late season, something not addressed last year as the “greens” bales went to seed

· Green Beans and Wax Beans – Did I mention this year’s garden is going to be bigger? Twice as big + actually!

· Cherry Tomatoes – 2 different varieties, 1 yellow, 1 red

· Microgreens – Sounds cool, huh? Much more on this later.

· Cucumbers – Some to grow over the fence, in the old compost from 2011; Some “Spacemaster” to try from a fresh bale

· Broccoli Raab – Really loved this stuff when we were members of a CSA 2 years ago

· Spinach – My loving wife Andrea insisted (and I love it too of course)

· Edamame – See “Spinach”

· Sugar Snap Peas – Last year’s were an afterthought, put in a planter that was too small and disappointed. The few that we got though were heaven!

· Sweet Peppers – Mislabeled seedlings from Home Depot last year were the biggest disappointment of the garden. Going to do it right and start my own this time!

· Patty Pan Squash – Another request from Andrea, these will also go into the compost from 2011.

Flesh the above out with Musque de Provence pumpkin squash seeds harvested from last year and several tomato seedlings from the nursery (both to go in the 2011 compost) and there you have it! Tune in later for more details and eventually a schematic of the final garden plan.

Monday, January 30, 2012

April Flowers

So, as I mentioned before, everything was going according to plan. The straw bales had been purchased and placed with care (more on this topic later). The seeds had likewise been purchased and started indoors. Though I couldn't necessarily tell what was what, (Rule#1 for next year: Carefully Mark Everything!), it was evident right away that my choice of medium (peat puck starter kit), location (giant, south-facing window), and seed source (Abundant Life Seeds) was a great combination for rapid and healthy growth. By around 2-3 weeks after sowing the seeds I noted the following:

Thriving (to put it mildly):

  • All varieties of squash – can’t tell them apart (some summer squash, some pumpkin squash, some winter squash)
  • Wax beans – only one variety, plants look great
  • Japanese eggplant – 8 seedlings total sprouted, 4 are looking particularly vigorous


  • Tomatoes – can’t tell these apart either (black cherry tomatoes, kellogg’s breakfast beefsteaks)
  • Cucumbers – could be some of them are mixed in with the squash (and therefore doing well) but I don’t think so...

So pretty much all seeds sprouted, but not all plants are doing great. My mother-in-law suggests fertilizing to help the tomatoes, so I plan to first transplant the seedlings into peat-pots (small planters that will be transplanted directly into the bales) and then fertilize with Miracle-Gro tomato fertilizer. I bought 36 peat-pots, had Lucas fill them 2/3 full each with a 50/50 mix of potting soil and composted manure, and then had to decide which seedlings made the cut.

The wax beans were easy. I had planned on having 18 plants in the garden so the 18 best looking moved on with only 5-6 missing the cut. The eggplants were straightforward as well. 4 of the 8 seedlings looked much better than the rest, so on they went. The cucumbers weren't hard to choose in the end either, as only two surviving seedlings could be positively identified by their remaining seed casings and therefore both went on to stage 2.

The squash and tomatoes presented a different problem in that I didn’t know which was which. I decided to go with 7 pots for tomatoes and 7 for squash, selecting only based on how healthy the plants appeared to be. This offered no guarantee that I would get a least one of each variety that I planned on, but what else could I do at this point? Live and learn for next year.

Cherry or beefsteak? Who knows?

After fertilizing, all plants did very well in their new pots – too well as it turns out. We have all heard the saying:

“April Showers Bring May Flowers”

Well as it turned out, my over-enthusiasm to get my garden started had brought on a very real problem: April Flowers.

All of the beans, most of the squash, and even a couple of the tomatoes and eggplant had started to flower. I knew instinctively that this couldn’t be good. Flowering is an essential step in a plant’s bearing fruit, but it also takes a considerable amount of energy from the plant. This energy loss could minimize the overall output for the plant once transplanted to the outside, even causing death from the shock of transplanting. And here it was, only the first week of April.

So I had a choice to make: Transplant early and risk a frost killing all (Beginning of May is considered safe where I live) or wait it out and risk having nothing left worth transplanting. I decided to wait as long as I could.

(Rule#2 for next year: Sow no seeds before the 3rd week of March!)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Seeds or Seedlings?

Before jumping right into the results of last year’s straw-bale garden, it might be better to start at the beginning. My research into the subject led me to believe that the easiest and most efficient way to start the garden would be by transplanting seedlings. The general consensus went something like this:

  1. Condition the bales.
  2. Make rough holes and drop in seedlings.
  3. ????
  4. Profit.

There wasn’t a lot of internet video showing step 3 (which, it turns out, is 90% watering and waiting and 10% learning the hard way what not to do), but there was plenty enough footage of steps 1, 2, and 4 so I jumped in with enthusiastically with both feet. I figured there were two obvious routes to obtaining seedlings: buy them from a nursery or grow them myself from seed. I decided (initially at least) to go with door number 2 for several reasons, chief among them:

  • This was designed to be a project to do with my son, Lucas, and growing from seed just seemed like much more of a learning experience.
  • I wanted to grow things that were out-of-the-norm and my limited experience with store-bought seedlings was that they were very ordinary plants.
  • I thought it might be cheaper (turns out: not so much really).
  • It was the middle of winter, I was all enthusiastic, and no stores would be selling seedlings for at least another 2+ months.

So I took the plunge and ordered 2 seed catalogs: Burpee (the Wal-Mart of seed retailers) and Abundant Life Seeds (ALS, Organic this, heirloom that, etc.). Within a couple of weeks both showed up in my mailbox and I set to work deciding what to order. Lucas tried to keep his attention on the project at hand, but being only 4 he was not really too involved. Comparing the two catalogs was like night vs. day; Burpee was all glossy with pictures of literally everything, having no shame in touting their amazing hybrids while ALS emphasized their love for everything natural and sustainable right down to the recycled paper it was printed on. Both had similar prices, with ALS being perhaps slightly lower. I didn’t want to order from both (twice the shipping cost), so in the end I decided to give the little guys a chance and went with Abundant Life Seeds.

I ordered lots of stuff: tomatoes and cherry tomatoes, mini cucumbers, Japanese eggplant, wax beans, salad greens, lettuce, pumpkin squash, summer squash, other squash, and others I can’t recall just now. It really added up in price, but all told I have spent more in one trip to the farmers’ market. The seeds arrived in the mail a couple of weeks later, about mid-February, and off I went to Home Depot to get a seed starting kit. The kit consisted of a thin plastic tray with many depressions in it, a bundle of what looked like little hockey pucks, and a lid to keep in heat and moisture.

I wasted no time in getting my seeds going. First I spread the pucks around the tray in the ready-made depressions, and then soaked them with water as per the directions. Each puck eventually grew into a sodden wad of peat, wrapped in a thin mesh with a spot on top to put the seeds. They really worked as advertised too, just put the seed(s) on top of each wad, cover, and place in front of a south-facing window. Within days sprouts were appearing everywhere. Then I realize my first big problem:

I don’t know which are which.

In my enthusiastic push to get started I had neglected to mark what seeds went where. Some were easy (the beans still had a great big bean shell to identify them). Telling which squash was what was an exercise in futility however, a problem that would magnify itself later. At the time though I was elated. Things were growing under my watch. Thriving even! And in recognition of Abundant Life Seeds – at least 95% (est.) of their product sprouted, a pretty good rate by any standard.

Things continued swimmingly for a while. That is until my second big problem emerged…

Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Little Background

This is a log of my experience growing a garden in my backyard. Let me state this up front: THIS IS NOT IN MY NATURE. I am not a gardener. I don’t like getting down and dirty digging in the earth. I abhor weeding of any kind. I work 5 days a week as an analytical chemist, have almost an hour commute each direction, am the proud father of two delightful children ages 5 and 1, and my wife works insane hours as a medical resident.

My Family (Not my backyard)

In short: I don’t have time for this.

But I am a foodie and I love to cook almost as much as I love to eat. I have subscriptions to not one, but two cooking magazines which I read for the articles while barely ever having time to try out the recipes. Yet I try to cook most days out of the week, to feed both myself and my family filled with extremely picky eaters (except the youngest, bless her heart she seems to actually take after Dad). I frequent farmers’ markets for quality ingredients grown close to home for the simple reason that the quality is so much better than what you find in the giant supermarkets.

Let’s be clear though. I am not some naturalist, nor hippie/granola type. I do not worry overly much about organic this or heirloom that, though I do understand and appreciate the difference in quality, taste, and nutritional value that properly sourced food can provide. I love to harvest. The picking/cooking/eating is the part I am in this for, and I am not against using slow-release fertilizer pellets to ensure that the harvest will be bountiful. If you are looking for pure-organic gardening instruction there are plenty of other sources available on the interwebs.

I grew up with my mother’s garden providing a small bounty of fresh foods every summer, a garden that I had to help maintain (read: weed) regularly. That same wonderful woman also found time to cook great food for a family of 5 literally every night while working full-time as a high school teacher. What I remembered about her garden though was that it seemed like a lot of work for relatively little reward. Whether it was the limited space, time, soil quality, gardening experience, or no doubt a combination of all of these things – let’s just say that I can’t recall harvesting much beyond the tomatoes (which were plentiful and delicious and dutifully canned every fall for a winter’s worth of homemade spaghetti sauce - yum).

So growing up, backyard gardening seemed like a bad idea. That was my firm opinion until I met my wife, and more importantly, my in-laws. Gardening doesn’t even begin to describe what my in-laws do; it is more a form of art. Just the trek from their house, past the barn (advantage: country living), and through their meticulously placed flower and shrubbery to the vegetable garden was a whole new experience for this city kid. Then being able to take a basket with and literally harvest dinner was life-altering. The resulting dinner was not fancy, but was none-the-less outstanding as the freshness of the food jumped and danced on the palette. I wanted this in my backyard too, but I am far too lazy to do what they do (read again: weed) like they do. It just seemed like I would never have what I wanted: fresh vegetables picked and carried directly to my kitchen for immediate consumption without weeding, getting dirty, and the constant attention gardening requires.

Then last winter I finally caved. I wanted my own garden so bad that I began looking into raised-bed gardening. I am also cheap though, so I was busy trying to figure out what inexpensive material I could line my raised-beds with when I stumbled upon the answer to my ultimate dilemma: Straw Bales.

Straw Bales - Set up and ready to go (Soil Optional)

It turned out that some people on the interwebs insisted that using a frame of straw bales to surround a raised bed of garden soil was inexpensive and worked very well. Intrigued by this I entered it into Youtube and what I saw literally blew my mind. People were planting right into bales of straw with great results. Best of all, this kind of gardening required no soil, could be fully automated (with a little ingenuity), and best of all: almost no weeding. It seemed too good to be true, so I tried it. The results were eye-opening to say the least.